Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My journey- A New Years story

Disclaimer: this is my story.

When you start the fitness adventure, your friends and family often ask Why are you doing this. But once you've been at it and your making some serious progress, it often becomes how did you do it. For me, I got to the point that enough was enough. I had been carrying baby weight around for three years. That's ridiculous, or at least that's what I told myself. I was tired of being fat and frumpy. I had been relatively thin and athletic my whole life, and by 2009 I was neither of those things.
I was also unhappy with my marriage. My kids are awesome, but my marriage was not so much. Early in 2009, I decided I didn't want to be "that person" any more. (the picture above was in June 2009). I got a new pair of running shoes and a pair of 8 pound weights, and started moving. In 2005 I did the Houston Half Marathon, so I remembered how to run and all the technical things that go with running. But let's be real... Starting over sucks!

The key to it all was I made up my mind. I didn't want to be like this, and I didn't have to be like this. I owned my success and my happiness. It was up to me.

Once I started moving, I remembered how much I loved it. The exercise started to show results and I was psyched. It gave me the momentum to start changing my diet. I worked to cut out fried, processed, and excess crap. I did it slowly. My fear was failure. I had failed on the diet side so many times. I could workout like a beast, but I was a slave to Mexican food. 

This time I did it slow and gradual, and it stuck. Don't get me wrong, I still love my Mexican food, but I eat it less often, I cook it myself, and I pick the healthier less fried options.

My point to all this is, I'm sure you (or someone you know) picked weight loss for a New Years resolution. It's not a quick fix, or a "give me 2 weeks" kind of resolution. It takes work and commitment, but it's so worth it. You own your success and you can be successful!

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