Sunday, April 28, 2013

Running spectators are creeping me out!

We all know I'm a runner, and most of my running therapy comes from running a 3.5 or 5.3 mile loop around my neighborhood. There's nothing spectacular about my 'hood. Nor is there anything spectacular about my daily running routine. I'm already here, its convenient, accessible, and for the most part, really safe - aside from the crazy teenage drivers testing out mamma's BMW that I see occasionally.

But Sunday afternoon I decided to go for the longer version of my run. It was pretty cool for an afternoon in Houston, the kids were gone, and its usually light traffic then, so off I went. I was in the last 1.5 miles of a 5 mile run, when I noticed a car.

Note: I always wave at cars that pass me. It's not that I'm unusually friendly; I just appreciate that they don't run me over. It's my way of saying thanks for not killing me.

Neighborhood running should not be a spectator sport...if it is, I'm completely creeped out.

Normally I don't what kind of car it is, but this one was a 7-series Beamer, and those are on my fantasy car list. I love those things. Anyway, I noticed the car. I did my normal wave, thought, "ooo, wow, cool car," and moved on.

A few minutes later, I see the same car again. For a minute I thought, "wow, 2 super cool people in my 'hood, or is that the same guy?" I waved and moved on. This time the guy actually slowed down and waved back.

So the third time the car came around, I was not near as impressed. In fact, I was starting to get worried. My running gear consists of speed shorts, a sports bra, and running shoes. There's not much there. (yep, I'm one of those runner moms) Maybe he was just slowing down to check out the scenery, but either way, I was nervous. I try to be aware of all the stuff going on around me during my runs, and look for an out. Like is there someone in there drive way I can pretend to talk with if something goes wrong, whose house am I close to, etc.

I'm glad he didn't show up for a 4th look because I was really getting freaked out. But it all goes back to safety while we're running. I love to run, and there's probably not ever going to be something that stops me, but something like this will sure slow me down. So just remember to be aware and have an out, even if your out is talking with a random neighbor you don't know.

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