Saturday, March 9, 2013

When you're driving.... PAY ATTENTION, Please!

Ok Ladies and Gents... this is a RANT!

I do a lot of running in the neighborhood. I live in a typical suburban neighborhood. You know the kind, where they rip out all the trees and name the streets after them. So during the day, its a low traffic area and I would expect the drivers to pay attention to possible school kids, etc.

Well guess what... They don't. Today I almost got clobbered by an ice cream eating Camry. Last week it was a teenage, texting F-150.  (Don't let mom know... no matter how old I am she still fusses me for running in the street.) Any runner knows that the biggest risks of running are cars and dogs. This is not the first time, and I'm guessing it won't be the last.

Drivers are generally more distracted these days than they ever have been. You know it's bad when cell phone companies put out ads to not use your cell phone. In general, the car driving population does not look out for all traffic... that's runners, walkers, cyclist, any person not in a car.

(Before I was a runner, I was with a crew of cyclists. That was the worst. No car wants to move over for cyclists on the road.)

I will admit my faults to being distracted at the end of a high mileage run. This is when I have tunnel vision, and its whatever it takes to get me home. Which is why drivers need to be more engaged in driving.

So this is me asking really nicely to watch out for all traffic... walkers, runners, cyclist.... Just share the road.

Thanks now!

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