Week 1 |
Injuries are the worst thing ever! Back before Christmas I was running and sprained by ankle pretty bad. As I was laying on the ground in front of the porta-potties literally whaling in pain, (yes, the porta-potties) some how I managed to decide it was a good idea to finish my run. So i ran another 3 miles. By that afternoon, there was no clear definition between my calf and my ankle. This makes this one of the better decisions I have made recently.
I immediately took off to the
Sports Med guy. I should have the
Sports Med guy on retainer. I see him often, and it's probably not enough. He did graston on my ankle. If you haven't heard of graston, its interesting for sure. He takes this spatula-looking thing (I'm sure it has a name) and rips it over scar tissue to get blood flowing to the area to help healing. It's painful and crazy, but it works.
He also uses Kinesio Taping® Method. This was the first time I actually used this tape. I really don't know a lot about it, and honestly don't really care to. I thought he was a little crazy (again), but the stuff really works. (BTW, I had several people ask me if this was my new tattoo. Really? I guess it's possible.)
3+ months later, my ankle is still quite not right. I can run, do yoga, walk on heels, all that without pain, but its still not right. Apparently, He said it takes about a year for it to completely heal and be normal. Well, that is certainly cramping my style! I need it to be better NOW. The other crazy part is that he said I was "running too much" (how is that even possible!?) and I needed to try some other things like swimming, plyometrics, or biking. I have reservations about all of those. Mostly because I've tried them on some level and am not that good at any of them.
Swimming is going to be rough for me. I can do the kind of swimming that looks cute in a bikini and keeps me from drowning. There's no way I can pull off the "efficient, swim with your face in the water" kind. I have to find a coach or trainer. I guess if I set a goal around doing a tri-athalon then I would be motivated to put my face in the water and wear one of those ridiculous caps. But I'm not there yet.
Plyometrics is the new code word for jump around on one foot, then jump on both feet, then keep jumping on and off stuff. I'm certain I tell offspring 2 to stop doing this EVERYDAY and now I'm supposed to do it.... seems quite odd to me.
Biking may need to be baby steps. I have tried biking before - like 8-10 years ago. Anyone who lives in Houston has heard of the MS 150. Well of course they have training rides for those and I have done 2 of those. My first ride EVER was a 50 miler and my second ride EVER was a 75 miler. I won't get into the details of why, but it was not by choice. That was the most MISERABLE time I have ever experienced. It was so bad that I put my bike down, didn't touch it again until I sold it. So if I'm getting back on a bike it needs to be baby steps.
Running and yoga are my favorite things, But I need to see the benefit of trying something new. Clearly I am not enthused about trying any of these things he suggested, but as I get older I need to branch out - or so the Sports Med guy says.
What else do you do? What are some of your favorites?