Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2013 Workout?

We are a week into 2013. Did you start your workout mantra for 2013? What was it?

I had my "standby" workouts... ran and did yoga classes. But I also tried a cross fit workout that I normally don't. I actually enjoyed it. It took less time than I normally spend and I got a different kind of workout. I didn't see myself as the cross fit kind, but I guess I am.

If you are new to the workout scene, or just looking to add some variety to your fitness routine, use this time to try different classes or workouts. While I was off work with the kids holidays, I tried a few new things and really enjoyed them.

You don't have to spend hours in the gym or exercising to get an effective work out. If you use your time wisely, you'll get a good cardio work out and toning as well. On my pinterest board Be Fit Forever there are cross fit, toning, and ab workouts. Try them at home or at the gym. If you take group classes, try different classes and different instructors. It may take you some time to find what you love.

My Note: If you are looking to join a gym, now is a good time. Most of them are having some variation of a "new year, new you" promotion. So shop around and check them out. If you're like me, I'm more motivated if I have to go somewhere to do my workout... so that laundry, kids, dogs, etc are not interrupting me.

Find something you love. That's what makes it sustainable!

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